Work simultaneously with others on the same sketch, or share your work later. Note, that you will need a FormIt Pro account to use collaboration features. Click here to learn more about FormIt Pro.
Use the Collaboration palette to start and manage sharing sessions.
You can start a collaboration session and let others see your design and see any edits you make.
In addition to simultaneous collaboration through shared sessions, you can share the work you have created in various other ways. From emailing images of your design, to exporting your sketches so that they can be used in other programs, you can easily let others review your work.
Sharing options can be accessed from the Action toolbar by tapping on the Export icon. You can share your work through:
Export to BIM 360 Docs: If you want to open your work in another program, export an AXM, OBJ, SAT or STL file to any of your BIM 360 Docs projects.
Email: Select the Mail option, and you can email a snapshot of your current state of work through your chosen email provider.
AirDrop: Use AirDrop via WiFi or Bluetooth to share the AXM file of your work with other nearby devices.
Print: Use the print option to send a snapshot of your work to a nearby AirPrint printer.
Save Image: Save a screenshot of your sketch to the Photo Library
Save to Files: Save the sketch as an AXM file to the Files application on the iPAD. You may, for example, save it to the iCloud Drive on Files, so that you can access it from other devices.
See Also
Topics in this section
Start and Stop Collaborative Sessions
Invite other people to work on the same design project.
Become part of a collaboration.
Engage in dialog as you design.
Last updated