Creating Designs

Sketch or place geometric shapes onto grid backgrounds, satellite images, or overlays.

  • Create conceptual models using 2D and 3D geometry creation tools. Start off by sketching 2D shapes or placing 3D primitives. Then, you can modify your designs by pushing and pulling faces, and by using various transform tools and Boolean operations.

There are two main ways to create geometry: Sketching shapes, and placing primitives. You can also import geometry.

There are 5 types of tools that you can sketch with: Lines, Arcs, Splines, Rectangles, and Circles.

Sketching Shapes

There are 5 types of 3D primitives that you can place: Cubes, Domes, Cylinders, Prisms, and Pyramids.

Placing Primitives

To create more complex designs after sketching a shape or placing a primitive, you can use several contextual tools to modify your geometry. These operations include: Select, Delete, Move, Scale, Rotate, Extrude, Cut Face, Offset Face, Tilt, Copy/Paste, Array, and Boolean (Union and Subtract). Use the topics in the following list to learn more about these operations.

See Also

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